Longshot Littles
We have a wonderful group of Shetland type ponies, and a donkey, with the smallest being just 36”. They are the perfect size for small children to gain experience around ponies without being intimidated. We do our best to introduce them to as many objects and situations as possible to help them be ready for Pony Preschool, but they are still individuals with their own personalities and sometimes quirks... which makes us love them more! Our own human-kids love spending hours in the saddle to help us train the ponies. We hope your little one enjoys their time with them as much as ours do too!
Hello, my name is Tulip! I’m a girl (or a “mare” in horsey terms). I’m 36” tall! My very special friend is Lottie, but I love meeting other little girls and boys and giving them lots of snuggles and pony rides! My favorite color is pink (like pink Tulips) and my best friend is Daisy the dog! Will you be my friend too??
Hey! Hey! Hey! I’m Olaf! I’m white! I’m big! 39” big! My little boy Lawson loves me because I like to go fast and go on lots of adventures. Tulip is my little sister... we are ALWAYS together and like to follow each other around. Would you want to go on an adventure with me too? Maybe play some games and take a trail ride together?! Yay!
Yo. I’m Thunder. I’m big and strong! I’m 47” tall and I’m in charge of the Ponies- I make sure everyone stays out of trouble! Good thing I’m big, because sometimes TWO kids ride me at the same time. Can you count two kids on me? Isn’t that silly?!